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Розробка тестових завдань для читання з англійської

мови для учнів 5-6 класів загальноосвітніх шкіл .

Автор: Мельничук Оксана Миколаївна, вчитель Судобицької ЗОШ I – II ступенів.



Дана робота – спроба вчителя створити посібник для вчителів англійської мови, які викладають в 5 та 6 класах загальноосвітніх шкіл та гімназій. Цим посібником можна користуватись під час підготовки до контрольних робіт з читання, а також ці завдання можна використовувати для самих контрольних робіт. Різноманітність текстів та завдань дозволяє перевірити знання учнів різних рівнів.



















  1. Вступ …………………………………………………………… 4-5
  2. Тестові завдання ……………………………………………….. 6-25
  3. Висновки ……………………………………………………….. 26
  4. Список літератури ………………………………………………37


Підвищення ефективності процесу вивчення іноземних мов передбачає належний контроль успішності учнів. Поруч з традиційними формами контролю все більше місце займають виявлення знань, умінь та навичок в іноземній мові за допомогою тестування. Під тестуванням мається на увазі контроль учбової діяльності школярів за допомогою групи тестів. Якщо тестування вливається успішно в процес і використовується систематично, то привілей тестів як контроль є в тому, що :

  1. Відбувається повне опитування вивченого матеріалу.
  2. Є змога опитати всіх учнів.
  3. Виключається елемент суб’єктивності: оцінки виставляються на основі об’єктивної інформації.
  4. Тести дають економію часу.
  5. Всі учні знаходяться в рівних умовах, кожний працює стільки часу, скільки йому відведено для тестування.

Існуюча методична типологія умінь виділяє чотири рівні засвоєння іноземного розпізнавання, відтворення, трансформацію, продуктивне використання. Вони є складовою частиною ієрархії, яка характеризує послідовність здобуття досвіду й міри оволодіння предметом. Всі рівні торкаються операційної сторони знань, їх розпізнає лише ступінь наближення до продуктивного використання.

В процесі перевірки рівня володіння іноземною мовою на перший план виступає операційна, практична сторона. У зв’язку з цим існує необхідність виявити якісні та кількісні особливості сформованого уміння, що найбільш об’єктивно забезпечує тестування.

Актуальність створених нами завдань полягає в тому, щоб сформувати навички сприйняття англомовних текстів, не перекладаючи їх на рідну мову, а також розвивати уміння виділяти головну інформацію.

Матеріали для читання побудовані на цікавих пригодницьких текстах, що відповідають психологічним та віковим особливостям дітей 5-6 класів їх інтересам.

Ретельно складені завдання дозволяють зняти труднощі психологічного плану. Тести спрямовані на розвиток навичок та умінь не тільки читання , а й ведення діалогів, дискусій, побудови монологічних висказувань на різні теми , вміння аналізувати й інтерпретувати інформацію на англійській мові.


Text 1


King     Look, Marisa! Rik, the prince of Bosland is here!

Queen   Welcome, Rik.

Rik       You're very sad. What's wrong? Is there a problem in this beautiful country?

Queen   Yes, there is. We've got terrible problems in Norland.

There's no rain and the water in the lake is dirty.

King     There's a monster in the lake. It's Talos. There's no water for our people and their animals.

Rik        Are there other lakes in Norland?

King      Yes, there are. But they're small and they're dry.

Rik         Is there water in the rivers?

King       No, there isn't. The rivers are dry too.

Queen    Ah! Here's Mago, our magician.Mago, there's no water for our people. Is there an  answer to this problem?

Mago     Yes, there is. Let's go to my room.


Tick    true. Cross    false.


  1.  Rik is the prince of Norland.                  


  1. Bosland is the capital of Norland.


  1. There are problems in Norland.                  


  1. Talos is a monster.


  1. Mago is a magician.





  1. Are there problems in Norland?
  2. Is there a monster in the lake?
  3. Is there clean water in the lake?
  4. Are there other lakes in Norland?
  5. Is there water in the lakes?        
  6. Are there rivers in Norland?
  7. Is there water in the rivers?

Text 2

Read .

There are two big islands in the British Isles - Britain and Ireland.

There are two countries in Ireland. Northern Ireland is in the north and the Republic of Ireland is in the south.

There are three countries in Britain. They are Scotland, Wales and England. Scotland is in the north. England is south of Scotland and Wales is west of England.

Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and England are all countries in the United



 Circle the correct words.

  1. There are two)/ five big islands in the British Isles.
  2. Scotland is north / west of England.
  3. There are two / three countries in Ireland.
  4. Wales is / isn't in the United Kingdom.
  5. The Republic of Ireland is / isn't in the United Kingdom.

Text 3.


Dear Ally and Alex ,this is a photo of Greenwich Park in London.. It's on the River Thames. The Royal Observatory is at the top of the hill. Can you see the read ball on the pole? When the ball is at the bottom of the pole, it's one o'clock in Britain. . But it isn't one o'clock all around the world. . There are twenty – four time zones in the world and the time is different in every zone . When it 's one o'clock in Greenwich , it's eight o'clock in Washington DC – the capital of  the  USA. What time is it in your town then ?


Tick    true. Cross  false.

  1. Greenwich is in London.
  2. There is a river near Greenwich Park.
  3. The Royal Observatory is on a hill.
  4. The red ball is at the top of the pole at one o'clock every day.
  5. There are twelve time zones in the world.
  6. When it's twelve o'clock in Greenwich, it's twelve o'clock in Washington too.

Text 4.


Market Day by Jenny

We  live very near Portobello Market . My mum and I walk to the market every week Vicki lives near Portobello Market too . She meets us at  the market. First we go to the clothes stalls. Our favourite stall sells great jeans and T-shirts. Then we go to the fruit and vegetable stalls. My mum buys fresh fruit and vegetables every Saturday.

At twelve o'clock we go to the hot dog stall. We buy hot dogs with German sausages. There is a juggler near this stall every week. He does new tricks every Saturday! The tourists watch him and take photos. We watch him too and we eat our hot dogs. Then we carry our bags and we go home.

I love Saturday mornings!


Tick    true . Cross    false .

1. Jenny lives near Portobello Market.

2. Jenny and her mum walk to the market.

3. Jenny's mum buys fruit and vegetables at the market.

4. Jenny sells jeans at her favourite stall.

5. At twelve o'clock they go home.

6. Every Saturday Vicki, Jenny and her mum watch a juggler.


Circle the correct form of the verbs.

1. Vicki and Jenny live/ lives near Portobello Market.

  1. Jenny walk / walks to the market with her mum.
  2. They meet / meets Vicki at the market every Saturday.
  3. Jenny's favourite stall sell / sells clothes.
  4. Jenny's mum buy / buys fruit and vegetables at the market.
  5. Jenny and Vicki love / loves Saturday mornings.


Text 5.


Alex     Well, Miles, you play for Arizona Arrows. Do you live in Arizona?

Miles   Yes, I do. I live with my parents and my sister.

Alex     Do your parents go to all your matches?

Miles   Yes, they do. They're wonderful!

Alex     What about your sister? Does she go to all your matches too?

Miles    No, she doesn't. She works in the afternoon, so she watches them on TV!

Alex     Does your sister like basketball?

Miles   Yes, she does, but her favourite sport is tennis.

Alex     You're a great basketball player, Miles, but do you play other sports?

Miles    No, I don't. I don't have time!




  1. What's the name of Miles' team?
  2. Does Miles live in Arizona?
  3. Does he live with his parents?
  4. Do his parents go to all his mate!
  5. Does his sister like basketball?
  6. Does she go to all his matches?
  7. What's her favourite sport?
  8. Does Miles play other games?


Read and tick     the correct sentence.

Felix is

a   a sad bird from Brazil.

b   a happy bird from Brazil.

c   a happy bird from New York.

Answer the questions.

  1. Where does Felix come from?
  2. Where does he live?
  3. Does he like the Baxters?
  4. Is he happy in New York?
  5. Does he love life in the jungle?

Describe Felix's life in the jungle.

  1. Felix lives   in the jungle   .
  2. He eats …………………….
  3. He drinks…………………..
  4. He meets..................... in the jungle.
  5. He can …………………….

The jungle, seeds and fruit, water, anaconda and monkey, Hello!




Text 6.



1 We start school at the beginning of September . It's autumn but it's sometimes very sunny .at the end of autumn it's usually cold and windy. It's sometimes stormy and it's often cloudy and rainy too. There's a special day in autumn – November 5th – Guy Fawkes' Day. On this day we make a Guy – a man – from newspapers and clothes. Then we burn him on a bonfire and watch fireworks.

2 Winter is a good season! I play football for the school team. There's a match every Saturday and our team usually wins. It's always cold in winter and it's sometimes snowy too. We can't play football then.

I like spring. It's sometimes rainy but it's usually sunny – and we have a good time at school! We always go on school trips in spring. We visit interesting places – castles and take sandwiches for lunch.

Summer is my favourite season. It's usually sunny and hot. We always have Sports

Day in June. Vicki's a great runner and she usually wins the class race. The school year ends in the middle of July and then it's the summer holidays!

Choose titles for the paragraphs in Exercise 2.

a Spring School Trips

b Winter Sports

c Summer Sports Day

d A Special Day in Autumn


  1. When does the school year start in Britain?
  2. What do children do on Guy Fawkes' Day?
  3. What does Rob do every Saturday in winter?
  4. Where do the Londoners go with their school in spring?
  5. What does Vicki usually win on Sports Day?
  6. When does the school year end in Britain?

Text 7.


Vicki    Can you see Mark and Jenny?

Rob     Yes, Mark's sitting on the wall. Look! Jenny's at the food stall. She's buying some West Indian food. The woman is putting it in a bag for her.

Vicki    Oh, yes. The food stalls are all making West Indian food today: sweet potatoes, salt fish and rice.

Rob Oh, the Carnival is starting now. Look, those people on the van are playing steel drums. The music is great! 

Vicki  Look at that girl in front. She's wearing a beautiful costume. Rob     And look at those people behind her. They're dancing and singing. They're having a great time.

Vicki Rob, I can't see Mark and Jenny. Mark isn't sitting on the wall.

Rob  Don't worry. I can see them. They're running over here. They're coming to the flat.

And they're carrying the food!

Vicki    Good! I'm hungry.

Correct the sentences.

1   Rob and Vicki are watching the Carnival from the street.

Rob and Vicki aren't watching the Carnival from the street. They're watching it front Rob's flat.

2   Mark is standing in front of the food stall.
3.  The food stalls are making British food today.
4. Jenny is buying hamburgers and chips from the stall.

  1. The people on the van are dancing and singing.
  2. The girl in the front is wearing a terrible costume.
  3. Jenny and Mark are carrying some costumes for Rob and Vicki.


  1. Where is New York?
  2. Is Manhattan an island or a park?
  3. Does the President live in New York?
  4. Where is Los Angeles?
  5. Where are there a lot of skyscrapers?
  6. What is the name of the President's house?
  7. Where can you see film stars?

Text 8.



Dear Pedro,

Thank you for your letter. You're a very good pen friend! And thanks for the photo of your friends. Rosita is very pretty!

Here's a photo of "Vicki, Kim, Rob and me. Kim's a new girl in our class. She's from London but her mother is from Scotland and her father is from Wales. A lot of Londoners have got parents from other parts of Great Britain and from other

countries. Rob's dad is Italian and Rob often visits his grandparents in Italy. Lucky him!

Do you remember Jenny? Well, Jenny doesn't go to our school now. She's in Australia! Her dad's got a new job in Melbourne. She doesn't write letters to us - she sends emails to my parents' computer!

Do you like your town? What do you do there? London's great! It's got a fantastic zoo and lots of amazing museums and parks. You can do lots of things here. I usually go to a football match on Saturday afternoons. Rob plays for the school football team. He's brilliant!

My friends and I sometimes go to the ice rink or the cinema and every Wednesday we go to an indoor swimming pool. Yicki's a fantastic swimmer. Kim doesn't like swimming under water and I don't like diving. I always do a belly flop! Please send some photos of Mexico City.

Your friend, Mark.


Ask and answer.

  1. Who is the new girl in Mark's class?
  2. Is the new girl a Londoner?
  3. Where are Kim's parents from?
  4. Why is Jenny in Australia?
  5. Is there a zoo in London?

6. Where do the Londoners go every Wednesday?


Correct the sentences.

  1. The Londoners live in Mexico City.
    The Londoners don't live in Mexico City.
    They live in London.
  2. Rob visits his parents in Italy.
  3. Jenny sends letters to the Londoners.
  4. Mark goes to football matches on Fridays.
  5. Rob plays in a school basketball team.
  6. The Londoners go to the ice rink every Wednesday.

Text 9.


It is nine o'clock on Monday morning at Westpark Comprehensive School. The pupils usually start lessons at this time but today they are in the main hall. They're listening to the headmaster. He has some important news for them.

Kathy, Tim, Julie and her brother, Sam, are in the hall too. They are very good friends. They often meet after school and spend a lot of time together.

'We don't usually meet on Mondays but today I have some important news for you. I'm sure you all know about the football league. Well, our team are the winners,' says the headmaster.

Sam plays for the school football team. He's crazy about football. He practises every day. He often watches football on TV and goes to football matches. He's a great footballer too. Now he's taking the cup from the headmaster.

'Look, Julie, your brother, Sam, is taking the cup from the headmaster,' says Kathy.

'Yes, he's the captain of the team,' says Julie. 'I'm really proud of him.'

'Shh! The headmaster's talking again,' says Kathy.

'Now our team can play in the All-England schools league. But they need a good football pitch,' says the headmaster. Today the workmen from the Brown's Building Company are at school. They're beginning work on the new pitch now!

'It's really great news. The old pitch isn't very good,' says Julie.

'Yes, but look through the window, Julie! Can you see the workmen?' says Kathy.

'Oh, yes, but they aren't working. They're going into Upton Wood next to the school. That's strange,' answers Julie.

'Oh, come on! It's time for the Biology lesson,' says Kathy.


Ask and ansver

  1. Who has some important news for the school?
  2. What is the news?
  3. Who is the captain of the school football team?
  4. What can the school football team do now?
  5. Why are there workmen at the school?
  6. Where are the workmen going?


Text 10.


Mrs         This is a photo of Piccadilly Circus Linton    now and Mark's got a black and white photo of Piccadilly Circus in 1905. It was his great-grandfather's photo.

Rob        Oh, there were a lot of buildings in Piccadilly Circus in 1905!

Mark     Yes, there were always lots of shops, restaurants and office blocks because Piccadilly Circus is in the centre of London.

Rob         Was your great-grandfather a photographer, Mark?

Mark     No, he wasn't a photographer. He was a baker. His shop was in Piccadilly Circus.

Vicki      Were your great-grandparents rich?

Mark     Well, they weren't rich and they weren't poor. But there were a lot of poor people in London then.

Rob         How many people were there in London in 1905, Mrs Linton?

Mrs         There were more than six million.


Kim        Was there a lot of traffic in Piccadilly Circus in those days?

Mrs         No, there wasn't a lot. There weren't

Linton    any zebra crossings or traffic lights and the traffic was very slow because Piccadilly is a roundabout.

Mark     Also there were horse-drawn carriages and there weren't many cars or buses. The buses were double-deckers with open tops.

Rob        There are some open top buses now but they're only for the tourists to see the sights - and the rain!


Tick  true. Cross     false.

  1. Mark knows a lot about London. 
  2. Mark's great-grandfather was a photographer.       
  3. In 1905 there were more than ten million people in London.     
  4. There was a lot of traffic in Piccadilly Circus in 1905.     
  5. The open top buses are for tourists now.


  1. a roundabout
  2. an open top bus
  3. traffic lights
  4. a zebra crossing      
  5. a double-decker bus
  6. traffic              
    1. a bus with two levels
    2. traffic goes round it in a circle
    3. all the cars, buses etc. in a street
    4. coloured lights in a street; they stop and start the traffic
    5. black and white lines on a street; people can cross the street there
    6. a bus without a roof


Text 11.


Ally  and  Alex

Alex    Now, you often go camping with your family, Annie. Where did you go last year?

Annie We went camping in Germany.

Alex     Did you enjoy it?

Annie Yes, I did. I enjoyed it very much. The weather was wonderful! It didn't rain once. My dad put up the tent near a river. We swam every morning and we ate outside every day.

Alex    Did you cook?

Annie  No, I didn't. My mum and dad made the meals. My dad's a terrible cook. Only the flies and wasps enjoyed his meals.

Alex    What did you do?

Annie My brother and I washed up after meals and made the campfire. Our most valuable equipment was matches.

Alex    Did you have sleeping bags?

Annie Yes, we did. I used a torch to read in my sleeping bag at night.

Alex    And did you sleep well?

Annie No, we didn't sleep very well. The mosquitoes bit us every night. And my dad snores and he made a terrible noise!


Tick     what Annie did on    her holiday.

  1. washed up after meals   
  2. put up the tent               
  3. made the meals              
  4. swam every morning     
  5. made the campfire         
  6. read at night                  
  7. snored all night              

8  enjoyed Dad's meals

Correct the sentences.

  1. Annie's parents washed up after meals.
    Annie's parents didn't wash up after meals.
    Annie and her brother washed up after meals.
  2. Annie put up the tent.
  3. The family swam every afternoon.
  4. Annie used matches to read in her sleeping bag.
  5. Annie's brother cooked the meals.
  6. Annie and her brother enjoyed their dad's meals.


Text 12.


At the lunch break the girls met Sam and his friend, Tim.

'It's great news about the new football pitch,' said Julie.

'Yes,' replied Sam. 'But where are the workmen?1

'We saw them this morning,' answered Julie. They went into Upton Wood.'

'Upton Wood! That's strange!' said Sam.

'Why did they go there?' asked Tim.

'Let's go and find them!' said Sam.

The children went to the end of the school grounds. The workmen weren't there. Then the children went into the wood. They heard the workmen's voices and hid behind

some trees.

'What are they doing?' asked Kathy.

'They're measuring the ground,' said Sam, 'and marking the trees with red crosses.'

At that moment the school bell rang for afternoon lessons.

'Quick, let's go!' said Julie.


The children ran back to the school grounds.

'I think those workmen are making the football pitch in Upton Wood. They want to cut down the trees,' said Julie.

'That's terrible!' said Kathy.

'But we need a new football pitch,' said Tim. The old football pitch never dries out.'

'OK. But we need the trees in Upton Wood too!1 said Kathy.

'Let's go to the Brown's Building Company after school and find out about their plans,' said Sam.


Answer the questions.

  1. When did the girls meet Tim and Sam?
  2. Why didn't the workmen see the children?
  3. Why did the workmen mark the trees with red crosses?
  4. Why did the children run back to the school grounds?
  5. Where did Sam want to go after school?

Text 13.


Vicki Are you ready for tomorrow, Rob?

Rob    Ready for what?

Vicki You're hopeless, Rob! Tomorrow we're going to visit Madame Tussaud's Museum. Rob    Oh, I forgot! But you don't have to shout.

Vicki Of course I have to shout. You never listen.

Rob    Do I have to come?

Vicki Of course you have to come, Rob. We arranged it last week. Rob    Don't be so bossy, Vicki. What time are we going to meet?

Kim    We have to meet at eight o'clock.

Rob    Eight o'clock! You're crazy! I hate getting up early on Saturdays. Why do we have to meet so early?

Kim    Because we have to get there early. There's always a queue.

Vicki Oh, Mark's going to take his new camera

Rob    Brilliant! I want a photo of me with Luciano Pavarotti - the greatest Italian singer in the world.

Vicki So, you are going to come tomorrow. Rob    Of course I am. Don't you remember? We arranged it last week.


Answer the questions.

  1. Who is going to visit Madame Tussaud's Museum?
  2. When did they arrange this visit?
  3. Who is bossy?
  4. What time are they going to meet?
  5. Does Rob like getting up early?
  6. Who is Luciano Pavarotti?


Text 14.


It was a hot day in August in the year 3089. Joe Plummer, the captain of a spaceship, and his co-pilot Dan were in the commander's office. The commander usually joked and laughed with the astronauts but today he was serious.

'Is there a problem?' asked Joe.

'Last week Spaceship Zeus took off for our space station on Mars but it never arrived' answered the commander.

'Did it crash?' asked Dan.

'We don't know/ said the commander. 'The spaceship was near Mars. Suddenly it  disappeared from our computer screen and we lost contact with the captain and co-pilot.'

What are we going to do?' asked Joe. 'Tomorrow at six o'clock you're going to fly to the space station on Mars/ replied the commander. 'Why do we have to go there?' asked Dan. 'I think you'll find some information about Spaceship Zeus there/ said the commander.

The next day Joe and Dan took off and soon they were near the space station on Mars. Suddenly Dan shouted: 'The controls aren't working. They can't see or hear us on Earth!'

Planets, comets and stars flashed in front of the astronauts' eyes and then there was a bright light.


Ask and answer.

  1. Who are Joe and Dan?
  2. Why was the commander very serious?
  3. When did Spaceship Zeus take off for Mars?
  4. Where did Spaceship Zeus disappear?
  5. What are Joe and Dan going to do tomorrow?
  6. Why are Joe and Dan going to fly to the space station?
  7. What did the astronauts see after the controls stopped working?


Make questions

1. The story happened in 3089.

When did the story happen?

2. Joe Plummer is the captain of a spaceship.

3. Joe and Dan went to the commander's office yesterday.

4. Last week Spaceship Zeus took off for another space station.

5. The space station is on Mars.

6. There were two astronauts in Spaceship Zeus.

7. Joe and Dan are going to fly to Mars.

8. Joe and Dan are going to fly to Mars tomorrow at six.

  1. They'll find some information about Spaceship Zeus.
  2. Joe and Dan saw a bright light.

Text 15.



Ally  and  Alex

Alex Sophie and Pascal, you've been all around the world with your parents.

Pascal Yes, we have. Our parents study sea animals and we've been to lots of countries with them.

Sophie But we haven't been to the USA yet!

Alex You sent some beautiful pictures to the Friends' Club magazine. Have you seen all those sea animals?

Sophie Well, we've seen octopuses, sharks, dolphins, seals, crabs, and now our parents are studying humpback whales in the USA.

Alex Have you ever seen a whale?

Pascal Yes, but we haven't seen a humpback whale yet.

Sophie Humpback whales are beautiful. Look at this photo! Our father's just sent it to us. These whales love jumping out of the water.

Alex Is your father in the USA now?

Pascal Yes, he's just gone there. We're going to join him next week with our mum.

Alex  Are you ready for the trip?

Sophie Well, our mum has just collected our plane tickets but we haven't bought our swimming costumes yet.

Pascal Have you listened to our recording of the humpback whale's song yet?

Alex  No, not yet. I haven't had time.

Sophie Humpback whales are very romantic. They sing long love songs.

Alex  Oh, let's listen to the song now!





  1. Sophie and Pascal have been to
  2. The children's parents study
  3. The children have never seen
  4. The children's father sent


  1. Humpback whales love
  2. The children are going to the USA

           a  jumping out of the water.

           b  lots of countries.

           c   sea animals.

d a photo of a humpback   whale.

           e  to join their father.

           f  a humpback whale.


Make sentences about Alex. Use just or yet.

1   speak / Sophie and Pascal

    Alex has jcist spoken to Sophie and Pascal.

2   (not) listen to / recording of the whale's song

    Alex hasn't listened to the recording of the whale's song yet

  1. look at / photo of the humpback whale
  2. see / the photos of the other sea animals
  3. (not) choose / the photos for the magazine
  4. (not) have / time to write for the magazine


Text 16.


Joe and Dan's spaceship hit the ground. The two astronauts didn't move. There was

somebody in the spaceship with them. It was a woman. Her strange yellow eyes shone

in the dark.

Tut these men in the conversion room!' said the woman to her guards.

The guards had yellow eyes too.

Dan opened his eyes. Joe was awake.

'Where are we?' asked Dan.

'We're somewhere in space, I think' answered Joe.

'Have you seen anybody yet?' asked Dan.

'No, I haven't/ said Joe. 'But what's that? I can hear something.'

The door opened. The woman with the strange yellow eyes came into the room.

'Welcome to Kitra!' she said. 'I am Azdie, the ruler of this planet. Nobody on your

planet knows about Kitra because it's a long way away. We captured your friends from Spaceship Zeus.

We have changed them into Kitrans.

Now they're going to help us to conquer the Earth/ Azdie smiled.

'And you will help us too!'

'Never!' shouted Joe.

Dan jumped up and threw his space jacket over Azdie's head. Joe tied her to a chair.

At that moment there was a ringing noise. 'It's the alarm!' said Dan. 'What are we going to do now?'


Ask and answer.

  1. Who was in the spaceship with Joe and Dan?
  2. What was strange about the woman?
  3. Where did the guards take Joe and Dan?
  4. What did the Kitrans do to the astronauts from Spaceship Zeus?
  5. What did Joe do to Azdie?
  6. What was the ringing noise?


Text 17.


The alarm continued to ring. Joe and Dan were in a tunnel  outside the conversion room. They ran to the end of the tunnel.

Then they saw a strange machine in front of them.     

'What's that?' asked Dan.                                   

'It's a transporter/ said Joe. 'It can move you from one planet to another in minutes. Our scientists have just made the  first one and this is a copy. Somebody from our space station is giving information to the Kitrans!'

'Why don't we use this machine to get back home?' asked Dan.

'It's risky' said Joe.

'Then what about looking for our spaceship?' asked Dan.

'We don't have time/ answered Joe. 'Let's try the transporter!'

Minutes later Joe and Dan arrived on Earth.

'It was very easy to escape from Kitra' thought Joe. 'Why didn't the guards try to stop us?'

They climbed out of the transporter.

'Welcome back' said a voice outside. It was the commander.

'We must talk to you, commander' said Joe.

let's not talk now' said the commander. 'Go home and let's meet tomorrow with the astronauts from Spaceship Zeus.

They 're back too.' The commander smiled and took off his sunglasses. His eyes were yellow!

Put the sentences in the correct order.

a The two astronauts left the conversion room.

b Joe and Dan heard the alarm.

c  They found the transporter.

d Joe and Dan ran down the tunnel,

e  The commander met the two astronauts.

f  Joe and Dan returned to their space station in the transporter.



Сьогодні, коли наша держава активно входить до світового культурного середовища, їй потрібні кваліфіковані спеціалісти , які володіють іноземними мовами. Володіння іноземною мовою, а ще краще – декількома – це показник рівня культури людини, одна із сторін професійної діяльності, доступа до світової інформації, внутрішньої свободи й гідності. Це завдання може й повинен виконувати загальноосвітній учбовий заклад. Школа має ті професійні кадри, яким під силу виконати ці завдання. Доцільно мобілізувати існуючі творчі потенціали вчителів й використовувати найкращі наробки науково-методичної думки в нашій країні й за кордоном. Іноземна мова повинна стати корисною на практиці, повинна увійти у повсякденне життя. І завжди потрібно пам’ятати , що успіх при викладанні іноземної мови в більшості залежить від того, в якій мірі якість знань знаходиться в полі зору вчителя і яка увага приділяється профілактиці помилок. Система тестування стимулює активність та увагу учнів на уроці, підвищує їх відповідальність при виконанні завдань.

Тести – це завжди зручно й ефективно.



Список літератури

  1. A Course in Languade Teaching. Cambridge University Press, 1996.
  2. Developing Reading Skills. Cambridge University Press, 1981.
  3. Making the most of Your Textbook. Longman , 1987.
  4. The Practice of English Languade Teaching. Longman , 1991.
  5. Журнал "Іноземні мови". Харків, 1999, № 3.




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